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12 May 2022: Adjusting Goals

Earlier this year, I declared that I wanted to be done with the revision of Just Friends by July. With nineteen days left in the school...

31 March 2022: Camp NaNo Starts Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the start of a new month, though more importantly, the start of Camp NaNo. How did April get here so fast??? My main goal for...

17 March 2022: Feedback Partners

Happy St. Patrick's Day! ... Now that's out of the way and everyone not wearing green has been pinched, onward to the real topic. As a...

17 February 2022: Rethinking Titles

I've been working on Just Friends for at least seven years, possibly eight or nine, and the farther I get into this latest revision, the...

22 July 2021: Revision Progress

Revisions take time. Obviously, I know this. I'm currently working on revising Just Friends as my Camp NaNo project for July, but...

24 June 2021: Keep Up/Catch Up Game

There's something to be said for not overloading yourself with to-do's, being flexible with your deadlines, and so on, because there's...

10 June 2021: The Power of Consistency

Every writer has a weakness, whether they're aware of it or not, and I know one of my biggest problems is consistency. Writing...

27 May 2021: Burnout & Changes

I hit burnout last week. After struggling to keep up with audio editing, feeling uninspired with my works-in-progress, and enduring the...

29 April 2021: Camp Wrap-Up

With one day left to go, I think it's safe to say I'm not reaching my goal of 15,000 this month. But that's okay! To clarify, I took my...

15 April 2021: IRL Plantser

Time-management has never been one of my strong suits. I'm caught somewhere between the perpetual workaholic and the procrastinator,...

1 April 2021: Camp NaNo Begins!

The time for Camp NaNoWriMo has come yet again! For those not in the know, Camp NaNo allows you to set your own goal for April and July...

18 February 2021: The JUST FRIENDS Journey

Once upon a time, there was a girl who wrote a story and got an offer for it to be published on Galatea. Surprise! It's me. Color me...

4 February 2021: Stuck

Hi, I'm stuck. What a novel phrase for a writer, right? Every single one of us gets stuck at some point, but the why is where it can...

21 January 2021: On Craft Books

This past weekend was a holiday weekend due to MLK Day, which allowed me to actually get quite a bit done. I did some writing, I started...

7 January 2021: New Year Goals & Content

Happy New Year! We're one week in and I feel it would be timely to declare my goals for 2021 and let everyone know what's coming in the...

12 November 2020: NaNo Check-In & Tip

NaNoWriMo is nearly halfway over and I’m at 30,000 words! It’s amazing what happens when I don’t have to stress about the election...

27 July 2020: Winning Camp NaNo & Other Announcements

Holy moly, I have been so lazy since I reached my goal for Camp NaNo on the 20th, but the point is that I won! As a reward to myself, I...

8 July 2020: Announcements & Whatnot

It hasn't really been all that long, and yet I have so many things to officially "announce" here on my blog! I am starting a newsletter...

28 June 2020: Camp NaNo is Imminent!

How is it almost July already? I mean, time is an illusion and all, but still. That happened fast and now Camp NaNo is in a few days....

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