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21 July 2022: Lessons Taken From Illness

Mental and physical illnesses are all around us, regardless of whether we're aware of them or not, and more diagnoses are happening every...

3 February 2022: TimerCap

I take antidepressants. It's not a big deal—they help me maintain emotional stability as I work through my day-to-day life and my...

16 September 2021: Exhausted

I'm exhausted. I often say that I always am, and I'm sure many people think it to be hyperbole, but it isn't far from the truth. Aside...

24 June 2021: Keep Up/Catch Up Game

There's something to be said for not overloading yourself with to-do's, being flexible with your deadlines, and so on, because there's...

10 June 2021: The Power of Consistency

Every writer has a weakness, whether they're aware of it or not, and I know one of my biggest problems is consistency. Writing...

15 October 2020: Physical Connection

Since the second issue of my newsletter launches today, I'm going to keep this brief. Today, I want to talk about how important human...

1 October 2020: Busy Month & High Hopes

How is it already October? And yet, how is 2020 not over yet? This entire year has been a hot mess and it's already almost over. October...

17 September 2020: Burnout & Expectations

I may have bitten off more than I can chew, I admit. I haven't written much lately, I have barely done any editing, but I have been...

19 Feb 2020: Writing for The Mighty

When I was in college, I started becoming more aware of the things that were affecting my life both physically and mentally. In that...

Blog: Blog2
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